Something Happened 

Fri, September 13, 2024 

We came in to find bloody prints on the back storage door. Everyone is accounted for so we’re not sure who’s it is.

blood prints on a door

We put tape up until we can figure out what happened.

Wed, September 18, 2024 

We’re still not sure what happened but an invasion of spiders has taken root at the storage room door.

blood prints on a door

Mon, September 23, 2024 

The storage room door has gotten progressively worse.

Mon, September 30, 2024 

The area feels very sinister and is now glowing, but the inside of the storage room is normal.

blood prints on a door

October 2024

Day 1

Something is coming.

Day 2

Follow us while we endure #31DaysofGrimReaperonthePlateReader.

Day 3

It keeps popping up on the plate reader after moving it.

Stay updated on this spooky adventure.

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